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Boring and Sleeving Service by Kaufman Products |
Originally, Kaufman Products offered a service, sleeving power steering gearboxes for rebuilders who did not wish to invest in their own tooling. In the last few years, this service has carried over to rack and pinion rebuilders who did not want to invest in additional tooling to sleeve the Jaguar or ZF racks because the demand is very low. As a result of all this, we have expanded our boring and sleeving service and offer it for any type of gear regardless of the quantity. The cost of this service is $25.00 for domestic racks, $30.00 for import racks, and $35.00 for gearboxes including the sleeve. So if you want to start up a rebuilding operation and do not want to invest in boring tooling right away, this service is a very viable solution.
There are two boring systems available for machining a steering gear housing.
The RPB 100 Job shop machine and the RPB 200 production machine.