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Once the rack housing has been bored, a steel repair sleeve must be installed to bring the casting bore back to size. There are two methods of installing this sleeve, heat shrinking or cold pressing. In the heat shrinking process, the casting is heated to approximately 700° F and the sleeve is slipped into place. Then as the casting cools, the sleeve is locked in place. The sleeve must be installed quickly before it grows in size as it absorbs the heat. The major drawbacks to this process are tooling cost, cycle time, and quality control because the rebuilder is not certain how tight the sleeve is pressed in the casting unless he checks each sleeve and bored casting for size. As an added safety factor, the manufacturer of the heat system recommends Lock TiteŽ or a similar product. However, this still does not insure a tight fit. Likewise it is our experience that many times the sleeve absorbs the heat before it is completely installed and therefore must be pressed in the rest of the way by some other means! For these reasons, Kaufman Products developed and recommends a cold press process for installing sleeves using the RAP 500 five ton ratchet type arbor press. This type of arbor press is advisable so that the best mechanical advantage can be achieved as you are pressing in the sleeve. With this process, the rebuilder is able to "feel" the amount of press necessary to install the sleeve thereby insuring a tight fit. As an added precaution, Lock TiteŽ can also be used with this process although it is not necessary. A word of caution; if a sleeve ever rotates in a housing, hydraulic lock occurs in the gear and the vehicle can not be steered very easily!